Editor-in-Chief Resume

Dr. Arturo Rivas

Dr. Luis Arturo Rivas Tovar

He holds a Doctorate in Administrative Sciences from the Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. He is also Dr. (c) in European Studies at the Ortega y Gasset University Institute in Spain. Post-doctorate in Organization for two years at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Organization Engineering Group).

He has held various executive positions in the areas of Human Resources and organization. He worked for 13 years in one of the most important organizations in the world (PEMEX), where he was Corporate Organization Manager. He is an international consultant and has directed various reengineering and reorganization projects for public and private companies. Which includes Pemex, IMSS, COFEPRIS, CAPUFE, Secretary of the Interior (SETEC), FIDE, the Technological University of Pereira in Colombia and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hired to collaborate with Nobel Prize winner Mario Molina.

In his academic career, he has taught postgraduate classes at various public and private Mexican universities such as: the Autonomous University of Baja California, La Salle University, the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of Monterrey, the CETYS University of Baja California, among others. At an international level, he has taught doctoral classes at the Polytechnic University of Madrid where he was a visiting professor for 12 years. At the Catholic University of Honduras, and at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Valencia. In Colombia he is a visiting professor at the Universidad del Rosario and at the CICAP of the University of Costa Rica. It has trained a total of 27 doctors, 11 of whom are members of the National System of Researchers SNI and 66 masters in science. He has published 13 books on strategic management, organization theory, human resources, and poetry. His scientific production includes a total of 95 scientific articles in peer-reviewed and indexed journals. His output includes articles, essays, and poems that have been published in Mexico, Spain, the United States, Canada, China, India, and Colombia. In the academic world, he has been: Director of the Research Center in Administrative Sciences of the ESCA-IPN. Director of the European Institute of Management. Coordinator of strategic projects at the Mario Molina Center for Energy and the Environment, chaired by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1995). He is currently Professor at the Higher School of Commerce and Administration of the Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Administrative Investigation Magazine indexed in: CONACYT (Q1 International Competition), SCIELO, DOAJ, REDIB and Redalyc among others.

His field of research focuses on evolutionary strategies for sustainable organizations. He is a member of the National System of level III researchers. He is the most cited researcher in Administration (Business and Management) in Mexico: 1920 citations H 38. He has 87 in the Web of Science. ResearcherID:F-9079-2016